Bigg Boss OTT 3 introduced mobile phones and a new ‘Baharwala’ while maintaining contestants’ isolation from the rest of the world. Veteran actor Anil Kapoor was roped in as the new host to add credibility to the renovated concept. Moreover, the new group of contestants became a perfect foreground to churn out elements of shock and surprise. The brain behind the formula deserves a pat as it certainly managed a significant upsurge in the show’s viewership. From Ranvir Shorey’s mimicry, Sana Makbul’s snarky attitude, Naezy’s impromptu rap, and Vishal-Kataria’s friendship to Sana Sultan’s irritating “Aala”, the show had several memorable moments in a six-week-long controversial run. Since the grand finale is just hours away, let’s revisit these happy and sad moments that entertained viewers.
Best of Bigg Boss OTT 3
Ranvir Shorey imitating Shivani Kumari and Lovekesh Kataria
The participation of Bollywood’s seasoned actor Ranvir Shorey raised the expectations from the season, and he successfully lived up to the mark. The distinguished talent displayed his effortless mimicry, which became one of the show’s major highlights. During his stay in the house, the actor showed a range of emotions for fellow contestants Shivani Kumari and Lovekesh Kataria. Earlier, he displayed his resentment with them in the form of mimicry; although, he became their support in the latter half. The fun banter where they made fun of each other’s mannerisms and body language instilled laughter among the housemates and kept the audience entertained.
Kritika Malik motivates Shivani Kumari
The bond between Kritika and Shivani has been quite interesting. After the eviction of Payal Malik, Kritika shared most of her time with either Shivani or Armaan. There were several moments where the two shared laughs, and also opened up about their fear regarding Ranvir Shorey. Kritika and Shivani’s relationship took a hit during one of the tasks where the latter as Sanchalak made a wrong decision. However, they were quick to re-bond later in the show. It was heartwarming to see Kritika encouraging Shivani to win for herself and his people. In a task where Shivani had to prepare her campaign speech, Kritika suggested talking about her village and family. She also mustered courage in her to win and make her village proud.
Housemates get emotional after Deepak Chaurasia’s eviction
Journalist Deepak Chaurasia had been a pillar of strength for co-contestants on the show. He was among the few who had a rapport with almost all the housemates while maintaining his dignity. Even though he spent most of his time lying on his bed, everyone was well aware of his words of wisdom. After he was evicted from the show, Shivani and Lovekesh couldn’t hold back their tears. Both of them shared that he was like a father figure in the house. Ranvir Shorey was the one who was deeply affected by his absence. He became quiet and chose a corner to process his absence. Vishal and Naezy tried to cheer him up, and he stated that he was the most real person in the house. The moment tugged at the audience’s heartstrings for its real emotions pouring out of each housemate in the house.
Journalists grilled contestants
As a ritual, Bigg Boss set up a press conference with contestants ahead of the grand finale every season. This time too, he gave the media an opportunity to attack contestants with embarrassing questions. The episode saw the media taking potshots at each contestant, and it was a moment of reality checks. The conference gave an end to unresolved arguments and provided clarity to ambiguous situations in the house. It also revealed the true intentions and identity of the contestants who were paddling fake narratives throughout the show. The moment was an eye-opener for many fans following Armaan and Kritika, who were rightly reprimanded by the media for glorifying polygamy.
Naezy mocking Sana Sultan’s Urdu
Every contestant comes with a unique element on the show. While Shivani’s accent and Lovekesh’s mannerisms did add a raw element, Sana Sultan’s fake expertise in Urdu became a laughingstock on the show. Naezy and Sana often indulged in jamming sessions and engaged audiences. Throughout the show, Sana irritated fellow contestants as well as the audience with the excessive use of “Aala”. And there came a most entertaining moment when Naezy rescued the audience by unraveling her unusual Urdu-speaking technique. He took Sana off guard and asked her to explain the meaning of tough Urdu words.
Worst of Bigg Boss OTT 3
Armaan Malik questioned Naezy’s toilet hygiene
There have been several disagreements and conflicts among housemates in the show, but toilet hygiene never became a hard point of debate. There was a moment when Armaan lost his temper over Naezy’s washroom hygiene. While these matters could have been kept low-key, Armaan left no stone unturned to degrade Naezy. Throughout the show, he taunted the rapper after he didn’t properly flush the toilet. The latter accepted his mistake and explained that he did flush but sometimes doesn’t check before leaving. Ranvir Shorey politely asked Naezy to be careful next time as it is a common toilet. However, Armaan made it a ritual to roast Naezy over his toilet etiquette openly every time, which was disgusting on the show.
Armaan Malik slaps Vishal Pandey
Evicted Payal Malik dropped the truth bomb in one of the Weekend Ka Vaar episodes, where she exposed Vishal Pandey’s behavior towards Kritika Malik. Payal alleged that Vishal passed lewd remarks on Kritika, which infuriated Armaan. Though Vishal tried to clarify his statement that he didn’t say it in a bad way, Armaan found it hard to believe and slapped him leaving the rest of the housemates in shock. The moment did surge viewership but whatever happened was bad in taste.
Ranvir Shorey Vs Sana Makbul
There came a moment on the show when Shivani broke into tears while the housemates tried to console her. Things turned ugly when Ranvir tried to teach Shivani a lesson by imitating her in the situation. Sana Makbul came in defence of Shivani and accused Ranvir of being insensitive. Ranvir gave her back by calling her “girgit” and the latter said she would like to be called “Naagin” instead. The two got into a war of words where both of them maligned each other in front of other housemates. Sana made fun of Ranvir’s physical appearance and called him a “bushy man”. During one of the tasks, Sana lost it when Ranvir called her “g*ttarchhap”. In the entire season, they had verbal altercations on several occasions which brought out the worst of both of them.
Shivani Kumari and Ranvir Shorey’s punishment
During one of the tasks, Shivani pushed Poulomi as they were running towards the activity area. The incident caused Poulomi to fall and injure herself. Following the task, Bigg Boss instructed the housemates to pick two individuals for punishment. Ranvir and Shivani got the majority of votes, after which they were made to hold their ears and circle a table while apologizing to their housemates. While Ranvir completed the task, Shivani cited health reasons and threw up a tantrum. Vishal offered her help but she ended up fainting in the middle of the task. Watching Ranvir holding his ears on national television for no reason, seemed a little odd.
Shivani Kumari comments on Poulomi Das’s personality
Both of them had a fallout after a task where Poulomi accused Shivani of pushing her. But the intense rivalry began when Shivani commented on the latter’s clothing and makeup. In one of the episodes, Poulomi got irked when Shivani dismissed her saying, “Mat karo baat, tum jaisi ladkiyan toh…” She demanded a clarification to which Shivani unapologetically said that she doesn’t want to talk to girls like her who apply makeup early in the morning. The matter further escalated when Poulomi shared the incident with her co-contestants. She then gave her back by attacking her status to belittle her.
Sai Ketan lost his temper and threw a chair at Lovekesh Kataria
The matter escalated when Lovekesh used filthy abuse involving his mother. The episode saw the duo hurling abuses at each other, but Sai lost his cool and began sabotaging Bigg Boss’s property. Sai first asked Lovekesh to shut up using slang, and the latter gave him back with another slang. Given Sai’s painful past concerning his mother, he got out of control and walked towards Lovekesh to hit him but Ranvir came in between them to stop. The heated moment took a dramatic peak when Sai took off his shirt expressing his rage. He almost threw a chair at Lovekesh to hurt him, but the housemates stopped him.
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