Kill managed to entice all the action enthusiasts out there, as it was hailed as one of the most violent and gory films in India. The movie was produced by Hiroo Yash Johar, Karan Johar, Apoorva Mehta, Guneet Monga Kapoor, and Achin Jain under Dharma Productions and Sikhya Entertainment. It starred Lakshya, Raghav Juyal, and Tanya Maniktala in the lead roles and was helmed by Nikhil Nagesh Bhat. Now, for those who missed experiencing this adrenaline-pumping actioner in the theatres, there is good news for you all. Kill is soon gearing up for its OTT release.
About The Movie
Kill is touted to be a fiery and intense action flick set against the backdrop of a train journey. It traces the journey of an NSG commando Amrit Rathod (Lakshya), locking horns with a group of terrifying bandits led by Fani (Raghav Juyal), who hijack and terrorize the passengers on a train. Things get even more personal for Amrit when his ladylove Tulika (Tanya Maniktala) becomes a victim of the brutal attack.
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Kill At The Box Office
Kill opened at 1 crore at the box office but slightly gained pace because of positive word of mouth. Reportedly, the Lakshya starter earned 10.55 crore in its first week and 6.80 crore in its second week. The actioner then amassed 4.10 crore in its third week. The lifetime collections of Kill, with its three-week run at the box office, amounted to approximately 24 crore, while the global collections came to 47 crore.
Kill On OTT
Talking about its OTT release, Kill will be streaming on the OTT platform, Disney+ Hotstar. It will be released on September 6, 2024. Lakshya who also made his Bollywood debut with Kill said in a statement, “I am extremely grateful for the love I have received through this movie. For my character Amrit, I went through a very strict fitness regime. There were times I went beyond my limits to adapt to the role. Nikhil sir has truly been a guiding force throughout the process and I consider him to be my biggest mentor. After exploring the action genre I cannot wait to try on different roles! With the film now releasing on Disney+ Hotstar, I am looking forward to a larger audience to enjoy this deadly action and bloodshed.” Well, we hope that the film is positively received on its OTT release by the masses.
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