The Fast & Furious franchise began in 2001 and has delivered many successful movies. The franchise became the seventh highest-earning film series of all time, delivering blockbuster separate storylines. It will now return for one last spin, Fast & Furious 11, which will mark the end of an era. However, the highly anticipated eleventh chapter received a disappointing update from the franchise’s main star, Tyrese Gibson.
During a conversation on the Happy, Sad, Confused podcast, Gibson revealed, “I haven’t read a script yet. I’ve talked to the director, I’m constantly in touch with Vin Diesel and they do really well at keeping this franchise afloat and the moment that I get the call, I’m going to show up and try and do my job and hope that they’re still happy with what I bring to the table.”
The news might be disappointing, but there’s nothing to worry about as the movie is confirmed to return. Moreover, in a separate conversation with CBR, he shared that the filming of Fast & Furious 11 is scheduled to begin early next year. This gives the film creatives ample time to craft a worthy script for the final installment.
Gibson explained, “Because of the strike, both strikes, there were some real delays in writing and kind of getting the film up on its feet. I’m hearing that we’re going to get it going right in 2025, right at the top of the year. I think right now the pressure is to elevate the movie and take the film to some other levels. As you’ve seen, Gal Gadot and The Rock are back, which is exciting.”
Fast & Furious 11 is scheduled for a release date in 2026. The tenth chapter, Fast X, left things with Dante’s quest for vengeance against Toretto, leaving his family’s fate unknown.
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