Rajkummar Rao and Akshay Kumar are all set for a massive box office clash on August 15 with their films Stree 2 and Khel Khel Mein. According to the trends, while Akshay might open in the range of 8 – 10 crore or a little more, Rajkummar is expected to break box office records with a 40+ crore opening on the cards.
Rajkummar Rao VS Akshay Kumar Box Office Clash
However, this is not the first time that Akshay Kumar & Rajkummar Rao are all set for a box office clash. The two actors locked horns on the screen in 2019 when the Rakshabandhan actor arrived with Housefull 4, and the Stree actor clashed with his film Made In China.
It was one of those eras when Akshay Kumar was shining bright at the box office and was supposed to have a Midas touch at the box office, with every film working well and churning out great numbers!
Housefull 4 VS Made In China Box Office
While the two films clashed on Diwali 2019, it was interestingly a three-way clash with Saand Ki Aankh, also releasing the same day! Housefull 4 earned 19.08 crore at the box office, and Made In China raked in only 1.25 crore!
Stree 2 To Avenge 1426.4% Higher Opening?
In 2019, Akshay Kumar’s film opened 1426.4% higher than Rajkummar Rao’s film, which also starred Mouni Roy. Now, it would be interesting to see if the Mr and Mrs Mahi actor avenges this lost battle with Stree 2, ruining Khel Khel Mein at the box office on the opening day itself.
Currently, Stree 2 is trending way higher in terms of ticket sales and is expected to win this box office clash with a huge margin!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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