Akshay Kumar is aiming at a box office revival with a string of comedy films and the first release in this comedy makeover for the actor is Khel Khel Mein. Directed by Mudassar Aziz the film is a multistarrer that also stars Ammy Virk, Taapsee Pannu, Aditya Seal, Pragya Jaiswal, Vaani Kapoor and Fardeen Khan.
Khel Khel Mein Star Cast Salary
Around 65 crore has been spent on the 7 leading stars of the multistarrer film that narrates the story of one friendly dinner turned into a drama owing to a game all seven choose to play. This group of seven includes three married couples and a singleton.
The budget for the Khel Khel Mein is not yet known, but considering the fact that 65 crore has been spent on the salaries of the star cast, the budget for the film would definitely be over 100 crore. But guess how much has the cast individually been paid?
Akshay Kumar’s Salary – 92% Of The Entire Salary Budget!
Out of the 65 crore that has been paid to the leading star cast of Khel Khel Mein, Akshay Kumar has been paid almost 92%. According to a report by ABP News, the actor has been paid 60 crore for the film.
Akshay’s Paycheck 8471.42% Higher Than Fardeen Khan’s
Akshay Kumar’s 60 crore paycheck is 8471.42% higher than what Fardeen Khan has been paid for the film. The Heyy Babyy actor is getting a reported 70 lakh for the film. The will would mark his theatrical comeback after 15 years!
Rest Of The Starcast
While Ammy Virk has been paid 1.5 crore for Khel Khel Mein, Vaani Kapoor has been paid the same. In fact, Vaani has been paid higher than Taapsee Pannu, who is getting a reported 1 crore for the film. Aditya Seal has been paid 40 lakh, while Pragya Jaiswal is taking 55 lakh for the comedy film.
While none can confirm or deny these numbers, the salary difference between Akshay Kumar’s paycheck and Fardeen Khan’s might actually be true since the Heyy Babyy actor was paid 75 lakh for his last appearance in Heeramandi.
Khel Khel Mein will be releasing in the theaters on August 15, 2024 and will be clashing at the box office with Vedaa and Stree 2.
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