Things are not working in Akshay Kumar’s favor in the post-COVID era. He witnessed back-to-back failures at the Indian box office, and even his recent release, Sarfira, turned out to be a huge disappointment. Now, as the Independence Day occasion has been lucky for the superstar, he’s looking to bounce back with Khel Khel Mein. Recently, the trailer of the film was unveiled and the response has been mixed. Keep reading to know more!
Except for Sooryavanshi and OMG 2, Akshay saw all his big releases fail miserably at ticket windows. None of his films managed to generate the expected buzz, and even his recent release, Sarfira, earned just 2.50 crores on day 1. This clearly shows that Akshay’s films are not generating enough excitement among the audience. Now, with the actor returning to his forte, all eyes are set on his next.
In Khel Khel Mein, Akshay Kumar returns to comedy, and fans are cheering after seeing his funny side in the trailer. For those who don’t know, the trailer was released on August 2, and as of now, it has attracted 20.8 million views and 314K likes on YouTube. It is trending at #7 on the streaming platform. While fans have given the promo a big thumbs-up, the response among neutrals is mixed.
Despite the mixed response, the trailer has done the job of giving the impression of a light-hearted entertainer, and that might work in attracting crowds to theatres. Not to forget, Khel Khel Mein is arriving on the big holiday of Independence Day, and considering Akshay Kumar’s successful track record (Gold, Mission Mangal, and OMG 2), there is some hope for the film.
Yes, Khel Khel Mein will suffer to some extent due to Stree 2 and Vedaa, but it’s still in a position to score 6-8 crores on day 1 at the Indian box office. Yes, this number isn’t that good, but considering Akshay Kumar’s poor run, it’s some sort of start on the board in a three-way clash.
Directed by Mudassar Aziz, the film releases on August 15, 2024.
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