Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor’s Stree 2 is all set to arrive in the theaters in a three-way clash with John Abraham’s Vedaa and Akshay Kumar‘s Khel Khel Mein. Initially, it was expected that the film might earn between 15 – 18 crore on the opening day. But now, with the change of plan in the release date, even the opening numbers are turning into a giant estimate of 40 – 42 crore!
Stree 2 Box Office Collection Day 0
The horror comedy was earlier scheduled to arrive on August 15, but the film is all set to arrive on the night of August 14, which might add a very big advantage to the clash. The film is already leading in terms of advance booking and has earned great numbers through pre-sales.
Stree 2 seems to be all set to beat the highest preview of all time – a record by Chennai Express that stands unbeatable at 6.75 crore. Now, Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s film might beat this number and push bigger numbers for day 1, the full-fledged opening day!
Stree 2 Opening Day Box Office Collection
On day 1, August 15, looking at the huge advance booking trends, the film is expected to cross the 40 crore mark. It might even break Gadar 2’s opening record of 40.10 crore. However, the film, according to the current trends, is receiving a big boost, and these trends say that the film might touch the 50-crore mark as well.
Will Stree 2 Cross Gadar 2 & Hit The 50 Crore Mark On Day 1?
Now, with two other superstar releases – Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein and John Abraham’s Vedaa, the question remains: is it an exaggeration, or can Stree 2 actually cross the 50 crore mark? Well, with two films canceling the audiences and sharing screens, the number seems a bit of an exaggerated figure. However, crossing Gadar 2’s 40.10 crore single-handedly might be an achievement it can boast of!
If it does, then the three releases together can bring a 50-crore Independence Day collection. Chances of Stree 2 hitting the 50 crore mark alone might be difficult, but you never know with this genre; since the first time the horror comedy arrived in 2018, none knew it would churn out 548.35% profit! All eyes on new records to be made on August 15, 2024!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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