Neetu Singh and Rishi Kapoor have co-starred in many films like Khel Khel Mein, Do Dooni Chaar, Rickshawala, Yaadon ki Baraat, and many more. The duo dated for three years and got married in 1980. They together have two kids, Riddhima Kapoor Sahani and Ranbir Kapoor. While Riddhima Kapoor Sahni chose to stay away from cameras and ended up becoming a jewellery designer, Ranbir Kapoor followed his parents’ footsteps and joined acting at a young age.
In a throwback interview, the actress had a conversation with Annu Kapoor on his radio show. Neetu Singh recalled her first meeting with Rishi Kapoor. According to her, Rishi had a habit of bullying and called him a brat. She said, “I had a horrible first meeting with Rishi Kapoor. He had a habit of bullying, so he would comment on my makeup and clothes, and I’d feel so angry. He was actually a brat who would bully everyone, and I was young at that time. I used to be furious with him.”
The Jug Jug Jiyo actress further said, after the film Bobby became a superhit, Dimple (actress Dimple Kapadia) got married, and Rishi was left with no other heroine because everyone used to look older than him. I was the only young actress around, and by default, after Rickshawala all his movies started coming to me.
After dating for three years, the couple decided to get married. Neetu also shared that after they decided to get engaged, she returned the signing amount of the movies she had signed and then gave notice to the directors to complete all the pending movies. She then added, she worked very hard in that one year (before getting married). Then Rishi Kapoor also told her to finish everything so that they could start a family, “it wasn’t that women couldn’t work after marriage, but I was tired of working for 15 years continuously. I wanted a simple life.”
Neetu Singh also recalled one such dinner date where Rishi Kapoor asked her if she was thinking of marriage as she had signed 4-5 big budget movies. She said, “He was thinking of it, I had no idea. He had never said he wanted to get married. We were just dating. So I said, ‘‘There has to be a boy to get married to. Rishi said, ‘‘So who am I?”
For the unversed, Rishi Kapoor took his last breath at the age of 67 on 30th April 2020, during lockdown, after battling with cancer for two years. Neetu Singh was last seen in Jug Jug Jiyo opposite Anil Kapoor.
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