Since the first episode of Koffee With Karan 8 debuted featuring Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh, fans have been gaga over it. While social media is divided into two parts after DP allegedly hinted at an ‘open relationship’ while she was also seeing Ranveer has the trolls bashing her online. On to the series of new events, Vir Das has come in support of Deepika and applauded her candid conversation on KWK. Fans in the comments are also mocking the double standards of netizens for being unfair towards the actress. Scroll below to read the scoop.
This is the first time that DP and Ranveer appeared on a show together and spoke about their relationship, marriage, and professional commitments at length on a talk show. And who better than Karan Johar to discuss your vulnerabilities?
Taking to his X handle, Vir Das came in support of Deepika Padukone without mentioning her name in the tweet and wrote, “Moment of silence for all the men who are upset that a Bollywood star way out of their league was casually dating for a while, and wasn’t as committed as their imaginary girlfriend is to them.”
Take a look at it below:
Moment of silence for all the men who are upset that a Bollywood star way out of their league was casually dating for a while, and wasn’t as committed as their imaginary girlfriend is to them.
— Vir Das (@thevirdas) October 27, 2023
As soon as the tweet went live, fans started reacting to Vir Das’ comment on Deepika Padukone on the latest episode with Ranveer Singh on Koffee With Karan 8. Reacting to Vir Das’ tweet on the platform, a user commented, “Grapes are sour! She didn’t dated them so she is bad! Unfortunately, men are proudly called playboy while women are called slut in shaming manner! When Deepika & Ranveer don’t have a problem with what they were doing before then others shouldn’t even think about it but then they can’t do anything else then to poke into someone else’s life! And those who are saying all kind of rubbish about her, if they will see her any day they will be screaming and begging for one selfie!”
Another user commented, “The moment of silence for all the men who think sleeping with everyone is empowerment”
A third commented, “Hahahha too good. Nailed it”
What do you think about Vir Das subtly favoring Deepika Padukone on X? Do let us know.
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