Khatron Ke Khiladi 14 has witnessed some high-octane stunts ever since its inception. But the Rohit Shetty-hosted show has also garnered eyeballs because contestants lashed out at each other. This has also led some contestants to compare the show to Bigg Boss. The most infamous one was Asim Riaz engaging in a vast verbal brawl with his fellow contestants and the crew members. Asim was also ousted from the show because of his behavior. Now, Aly Goni, who happens to be a close friend of Asim, has come out in support. Aly hinted that there was some sort of provocation by the other contestants towards Asim, which led to him behaving aggressively.
In Bharti Singh and Haarsh Limbachiya’s podcast, Aly Goni said, “If he (Asim Riaz) was reacting so aggressively, then he must have been provoked. Someone must have provoked him. If the other 10-12 people who were standing, if they would have tried to calm Asim down, it wouldn’t have happened. Everyone was provoking him, and so that happened. This is not Bigg Boss.”
Aly Goni further revealed that he has known Asim Riaz since childhood and admitted that the latter has a tint of aggression in his personality. He said, “Everyone has a nature. Asim has aggression. I have known him since childhood. He has aggression. I don’t know if he misbehaved with Rohit sir or not, and if he did, then he is wrong. But the other 10-12 people who were standing there should have tried to calm down the matter, but they were showing him attitude and were trying to be heroes. I don’t think so, that’s right.” Bharti Singh also added that nowadays Khatron Ke Khiladi is being converted to Bigg Boss.
Aly Goni remembered how Bharti Singh’s husband, Haarsh Limbachiya, fought with Aditya Narayan on Khatron Ke Khiladi 9. Still, the contestants managed to calm them down and resolve the situation. For the unversed, Aly was Bharti and Haarsh’s co-contestants on Khatron Ke Khiladi 9.
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