Rishab Shetty grabbed eyeballs for his sharp dig at Bollywood recently. In a recent video interview, the Kantara star accused some Bollywood films of allegedly showcasing India in a bad light. He pointed out how these films become touted as art films and are represented globally. Shetty added that he instead focuses on positively presenting his country and its culture. However, this did not go well with many netizens, who started brutally trolling the actor-director. Some fans even fetched out a scene from Kantara wherein he can be seen pinching the navel of his female co-star, labeling him to be a hypocrite.
One of the netizens stated, “One movie success isn’t enough to survive in Bollywood. You need to deliver continuous hits and stay humble to those who contributed to your success. Be grateful about the Hindi belt firstly..” A netizen added, “Bruh promoting Indian culture in his own way by twisting the navel of a female co-star in every movie.” A fan further took a dig at Rishab Shetty and said, “The audacity of some South actors is outrageous. They are the ones who objectify women the most. There are hardly any strong female characters in their films, they cast them just to show their navel and fall for the misogynistic lead and normalize harassment.”
RISHAB SHETTY: Indian films, especially Bollywood shows India in a Bad light, touted as art films, getting invited to global event, red carpets.
My nation, My state, My language-MY PRIDE, why not take it on a +ve note globally & that’s what I try to do.
— Christopher Kanagaraj (@Chrissuccess) August 20, 2024
There were more posts from netizens defending Bollywood after Rishab Shetty’s comment. The post read, “Whenever any big natural calamity happens in our country, Akshay Kumar, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, and some Bollywood stars are the first to help. But these South stars are only limited to a single state, they only care about their state and language rather than their country. Bollywood stars will always be superior.” A netizen went on to add, “Bro, your character molests his love interest in your National Award winning film (Kantara). This is some audacity you are having.”
Well, it seems like Rishab Shetty has made many Bollywood fans unhappy with his jibe. Meanwhile, on the work front, Rishab is gearing up for Kantara Chapter 1, the prequel to his blockbuster movie Kantara. The fourth film schedule will begin soon, starting next week.
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