In just a little over a couple of days, Stree 2 starring Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao in the lead roles has entered the 100 Crore Club. After getting a mighty head-start of 9.40 crores on Wednesday night’s paid preview shows, the film scored a half-century on Thursday when 55.40 crores came in. If that was phenomenal indeed, what happened on Friday is truly unbelievable. The collections have stayed super steady, with a drop of less than 30%.
Yes, you read it right. Stree 2 has scored a terrific 35.30 crores on Friday and that’s not a number that many could see coming. Collections of around 30 crores were always on the cards, but to go past even 35 crores is truly fantastic, as it’s still bigger than the best first-day collections of all the Hindi releases this year. In fact, leaving aside the first day, hardly any films have scored this much even during their entire opening weekend, and here, the Shraddha Kapoor and the Rajkummar Rao starrer are managing that on Friday, a regular working day.
While doing that, Stree 2 has also entered the 100 Crore Club quickly. The collections have moved up to 100.10 crores, and this could just be a starting point for a spectacular run that the film will enjoy in its lifetime. There are three full days of holiday ahead of it, which means another 100 crores will be added to it by the time it steps into Tuesday. The Shraddha Kapoor and the Rajkummar Rao starrer is a blockbuster marching well towards being an all-time blockbuster in its final run.
Stree 2 has been directed by Amar Kaushik. The movie also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Abhishek Banerjee, and Aparshakti Khurrana in the lead roles. It further has cameo appearances by Tamannaah Bhatia, Varun Dhawan and Akshay Kumar.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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