Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s Stree 2 created an uproar on the 2nd Sunday with a 40 crore collection taking the film to the elite 400 crore club. Now, while it shares the club with four other monster biggies, Jawan, Pathaan, Animal, and Gadar 2, the film gears up for another milestone.
Stree 2 Box Office Collection Day 12 To Hit Record?
If speculations are true, then the Amar Kaushik film will have a feast on Monday as well. Krishna Janmashtami‘s partial holiday makes for a perfect dinner table as Shraddha Kapoor gears up to turn on her womania mode to feast on some new records.
After collecting 401.65 crore in 11 days, Stree 2 also managed to bring the second biggest second Sunday total, along with the highest 11th-day collection. Now, it might take the legacy forward to bring the biggest 2nd Monday collection as well.
Biggest Second Monday Sits With Salman Khan!
Currently, the record for the biggest second Monday box office collection lies with Salman Khan’s Tiger Zinda Hai. The Spy Universe film collected 18.04 crore at the box office on the second Monday, and owing to the partial Janmashtami holiday, Shraddha Kapoor’s film might break this record tonight!
Baahubali 2 Goes Down As Well!
Since Tiger Zinda Hai took the spot for the biggest 2nd Monday collection and Stree 2 eyes this record, it would also mean Baahubali 2 shifting its place a spot lower as it currently sits at number 2 for the 2nd biggest second Monday collection with 16.75 crore. The third spot is occupied by Jawan’s 14.25 crore. All eyes on where Stree 2’s second Monday would land!
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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