Yesterday was a dark day for showbiz. Actor and Bigg Boss 13 winner Sidharth Shukla passed away due to a heart attack. His funeral will take place in Mumbai today. While celebrities including Gauahar Khan, Rahul Vaidya amongst others visited his house to pay their last respect, everybody is worried about rumoured girlfriend Shehnaaz Gill. Rahul Mahajan, Aly Goni and Jaan Kumar Sanu have now revealed she’s not stable.
Yesterday, Sana’s father Santokh Singh revealed that she’s not fine. We even saw brother Shehbaz visit Sidharth’s place to support his sister and pay his respects. Amongst it all, celebrities who visited the late actor’s place are heartbroken looking at Shehnaaz’s condition.
Aly Goni took to his Twitter last night and shared that Shehnaaz Gill is devastated ever since Sidharth Shukla’s demise. He wrote, “Chehra jo hamesha haste hue dekha.. khush dekha… lekin aaj jaisa dekha bass dil toot gaya stay strong sana.. #numb #heartbroken”
Soon after, former Bigg Boss contestant Jaan Kumar Sanu also sent prayers for Shehnaaz Gill. He tweeted, “I wish every Siddharth in this world gets love from a Shehnaaz. Every love story would be a fairytale. Aaj jo dekha, yakeen karne mein waqt lagega. Stay strong Shehnaaz. Broken heart #RestInPeaceSid”
Check out the tweets below:
Chehra jo hamesha haste hue dekha.. khush dekha… lekin aaj jaisa dekha bass dil toot gaya💔 stay strong sana.. #numb #heartbroken
— Aly Goni (@AlyGoni) September 2, 2021
I wish every Siddharth in this world gets love from a Shehnaaz. Every love story would be a fairytale. Aaj jo dekha, yakeen karne mein waqt lagega. Stay strong Shehnaaz. 💔 #RestInPeaceSid
— Jaan Kumar Sanu (@jaankumarsanu) September 2, 2021
Meanwhile, Rahul Mahajan also opened up after visiting the residence of Sidharth Shukla. “She had gone completely pale as if a storm had just passed by and washed away everything,” he told TOI.
There have been reports that Shehnaaz Gill has been sitting in one corner of the house and is not speaking to anyone. The actress was with the late actor when he breathed his last, as per rumours.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates!