Actor Dheeraj Dhoopar, who is currently wowing us with his performance as cricketer Karan Luthra in Kundali Bhagya, is reportedly all set to make his OTT debut. As per reports, the actor, who recently turned producer with a couple of projects, will soon be seen on the digital platform. But in what project? Well, read on for the answer.
The grapevine is abuzz that the Kundali Bhagya actor is rumoured to be in talks to play an important part in the highly awaited Bahubali prequel series, The Rise of Sivagami on Netflix.
As per media reports and sources close to the star, Dheeraj Dhoopar has been in the news lately for taking up multiple roles in the field of entertainment. If this news is true, playing a pivotal in the prequel of the much loved movie franchise will be the icing on the cake, if true.
As of now, there has been no official statement from anyone on this news and there is no clarity on the role that he is playing. Exciting news right!
In previous interviews, Dheeraj has expressed his wish to join the digital space. The actor even revealed that he has been in talks for a few OTT and Bollywood projects and this certainly seems to be one of them.
Besides Kundali Bhagya, Dheeraj Dhoopar was recently seen in a music video with Hina Khan. He also featured in Naagin 5 on Colors.
This certainly will be good news for his fans internationally to see him on an OTT release.
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