Yesterday, the highly anticipated trailer of The Greatest Of All Time was unveiled on YouTube. As expected, Thalapathy Vijay fans stormed the streaming platform and devoured it. The trailer has taken the excitement to the next level, and fans are anticipating the film’s release like crazy. Amid this, rumors about Vijay’s salary are doing rounds, suggesting an unreal paycheck for the superstar. Keep reading to know more!
As we all know, the Kollywood superstar is soon going to quit acting career and enter full-time politics ahead of the assembly elections in Tamil Nadu in 2026. So, the craze around his last few films is unimaginable. Irrespective of the content, his final films are going to set the box office on fire, all thanks to his loyal fan base. So, the makers are not hesitating to give a monstrous amount as remuneration.
The Greatest Of All Time is made on a huge scale, and although the exact number isn’t known, it is said that the budget of the film is 300 crores, making it the most expensive film in Thalapathy Vijay’s career. What’s more exciting is that the superstar has taken away the biggest chunk of the budget as his salary.
If rumors are to be believed, Thalapathy Vijay has received a humongous salary of 200 crores for The Greatest Of All Time, which is really crazy. If calculated, the superstar’s remuneration equals 66.66% of the film’s total budget.
Meanwhile, The GOAT is directed by Venkat Prabhu and is bankrolled by AGS Entertainment. It also stars Prashanth, Prabhudeva, Meenakshi Chaudhary, Mohan, Jayaram, Sneha, Laila, Ajmal Amir, Yogi Babu, and others. It is scheduled to release on September 5, 2024, in Tamil, Telugu, and Hindi.
If reports are to be believed, The Greatest Of All Time will be the widest release in Tamil Nadu’s history, as practically no film will be playing in theatres when the Thalapathy Vijay starrer arrives.
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more entertainment updates!
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