Written and directed by Vivek Athreya, the Telugu film “Saripodhaa Sanivaaram” stars Nani, SJ Suryah, and Priyanka ArulMohan. The story revolves around Surya (Nani), an ordinary insurance agent who leads a mundane life from Monday to Friday. However, on Saturdays, he channels his frustration towards fighting injustice. Produced by D.V.V. Danayya and Dasari Kalyan under the banner of DVV Entertainment, the film boasts a talented team behind it. Cinematography is by Murali G, while Jakes Bejoy, known for his work in the Malayalam film industry, has composed the music. Art direction and production design is by G.M. Sekhar, and stunts by Ram Laxman.
As Surya (Nani) navigates this dual life, he crosses paths with Police Officer Dayanand (Suryah), who is notorious for his harsh treatment of the people in Sokulapalem. Adding a romantic twist to the narrative, Surya finds himself involved with Charulatha (Priyanka Arulmohan), a newly-appointed cop who becomes romantically entangled with him. The film blends classic mass masala action elements with romance, creating an engaging cinematic experience. The film has a runtime of 2 hours and 46 minutes.
OTT Release Date
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram is slated to make its streaming debut on Netflix on September 26, 2024. However, official confirmation is still awaited. Well, this is truly an exciting news for all the Nani fans out there.
Box Office
Saripodhaa Sanivaaram has grossed approximately INR 93.64 crore worldwide against its production budget of INR 90 crore. Despite a strong opening and impressive performance in international markets, the film has yet to break the INR 100 crore mark. The India net collection of the Nani starrer, on its 18th day, was 58.60 crore.
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