Ever since the news of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala’s engagement was announced, fans have been sent into a frenzy. Chaitanya’s father Nagarjuna was one of the first ones to share his son’s engagement pictures on social media, as he welcomed Sobhita to the family.
The superstar has now talked about the ceremony, revealing that the event was organized hurriedly. Nagarjuna also discussed the wedding plans of Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala, disclosing if they have decided on a date yet.
Nagarjuna Reveals Naga Chaitanya-Sobhita Dhulipala Engagement was Planned Hurriedly Because of Astrology
Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita Dhulipala got engaged on August 8th. In an interview with Times Now, Nagarjuna revealed the couple’s family chose this date as it was deemed auspicious by astrologers. The families planned the ceremony in a rushed way as they did not want to miss the auspicious date.
“We chose this day because it was very auspicious. Both families consulted the Nakshatras, and when we were told August 8 was a very auspicious day, we decided to go ahead with it,” said the superstar.
Talking about when his son will get married, the actor said, “Not immediately. We chose to have a hurried engagement because it was an auspicious day, and since Chay and Sobhita are very sure that they want to marry, we said, let’s do it.”
This now puts to rest rumors that Naga Chaitanya chose to get engaged on August 8th since his ex-wife Samantha had proposed to him on the same date. Ever since the couple announced their engagement, Samantha’s fans have been lashing out at them on social media, believing that Naga Chaitanya’s engagement took place on that date as he wanted to get back at the actress.
Meanwhile, Nagarjuna also talked about his would-be daughter-in-law in the same interview, expressing his happiness over Naga Chaitanya’s choice. “Sobhita and Chay make a wonderful couple. They love each other dearly,” the actor said, adding, “Sobhita’s family really likes Chay. Can’t blame them. My son is a gem of a boy. He deserves happiness.”
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