The media is buzzing with the names of contestants who will potentially be a part of the 8th season of the reality show. Among the rumored contestants is young hero Raj Tarun. His name has been circulating in the media, especially after a recent controversy involving a girl named Lavanya, with whom he had a publicized breakup that led to serious accusations and legal cases.
The media buzz surrounding Raj has led to reports that his participation in Bigg Boss could benefit him and the show, potentially boosting viewership.
However, during a promotional event for his upcoming film Bhale Unnade, Raj Tarun’s team addressed these rumors. When asked if he was joining Bigg Boss, the film’s director, Shivsai, clarified that Raj could not participate. Shivsai explained that Raj isn’t someone who could stay in a house all day without being active, implying that such a setting wouldn’t suit him.
Regarding the controversy with Lavanya, Raj Tarun downplayed the issue, stating that he had no involvement in the matter and did not use it for promotional purposes. He dismissed the idea of leveraging such personal issues for film promotion, expressing surprise. Raj also mentioned that while he may not have promoted his previous films effectively, he is now focused on choosing and promoting good projects.
Raj Tarun’s participation in Bigg Boss appears unlikely, and his focus remains on his film career rather than reality TV. On the other hand, Nagarjuna Akkineni is gearing up to return as the host and the team also confirmed that Ambati Arjun will host the Bigg Boss buzz for the eighth season.
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