So far, in 2024, Kollywood hasn’t witnessed any big films as such. Yes, there was Kamal Haasan’s Indian 2, but it didn’t enjoy the expected hype even in the pre-release phase. From here on, the three biggest stars of the Tamil film industry, Thalapathy Vijay, Rajinikanth, and Ajith Kumar, will come up with one film each, and their biggies are expected to mint big at the box office. Out of these three stars, today, we’ll be discussing Ajith’s Vidaamuyarchi, which is Thala’s 62nd film (AK62).
Directed by Magizh Thirumeni, the upcoming action thriller also stars Arjun Sarja, Trisha Krishnan, and others in key roles. Lyca Productions is bankrolling it. Earlier, the film was scheduled to release during Diwali 2024, but reportedly, the shooting of some scenes and a song is still pending. So, the makers are eyeing a new release date.
As per Track Tollywood’s report, Vidaamuyarchi might release this Christmas or Pongal 2025. Between these two dates, there’s a high chance that the makers might go with Christmas 2024 as during this period, no big film from Kollywood is releasing. If it turns out to be true, then the film has a strong chance of becoming Ajith Kumar’s highest-grossing film ever.
For those who don’t know, Viswasam (2019) is Ajith Kumar’s highest-grossing film at the worldwide box office, with a collection of 205 crores. If Vidaamuyarchi arrives solo, then it has an easy chance of crossing Viswasam as it’ll benefit from the holiday season. Yes, AK62 has all the potential to be Thala’s biggest film ever.
Speaking more about the film, Ajith Kumar has reportedly charged a whopping 110-120 crores as his salary. It has been mounted on a huge scale, and the budget is said to be above 200 crores. It is said to be an official adaptation of Kurt Russell’s Breakdown (1997)
With Vidaamuyarchi, Ajith Kumar will be returning to the big screen after almost a year, so it is expected to set the box office on fire. Let’s see if the makers officially lock the Christmas release date.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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