The Malayalam comedy-drama Adios Amigo, featuring Asif Ali and Suraj Venjaramoodu, is gearing up for its OTT release. Following its theatrical run, this road-trip comedy is set to stream exclusively on Netflix from September 6, 2024. It will also be available in multiple languages, including Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada.
Oru kidilan friendship story-umayi randu amigos varunnund!#AdiosAmigo is coming to Netflix on 6 September in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada!#AdiosAmigoOnNetflix
— Netflix India South (@Netflix_INSouth) September 1, 2024
Adios Amigo takes you on a delightful comedic journey that brings together two men from starkly different social strata who fatefully meet at a bus stand. Asif Ali plays a privileged and affluent character whose life contrasts sharply with that of Suraj Venjaramoodu’s portrayal of a man grappling with various challenges and adversities. Their unexpected encounter and the clash of their disparate worlds set the stage for a narrative that blends humor with heartfelt moments and surprising plot twists. The film explores themes of class disparity and personal growth, all while delivering a story rich in comedic charm and emotional depth.
Directed by Nahas Nazar and written by Aji Peter Thankam, Adios Amigo features Asif Ali and Suraj Venjaramoodu in leading roles. The cast includes Shine Tom Chacko, Anagha L.K., Muthumani, Ganapathi, Althaf Salim, Jinu Joseph, and Riaa Saira. The film’s music is composed by Jakes Bejoy, with cinematography by Jimshi Khalid. Produced by Ashiq Usman, the editing is handled by Nishadh Yusuf.
Another Asif Ali starrer, Thalavan, is set to release on OTT. The film will begin streaming on SonyLIV on September 12, 2024. This crime investigation thriller features Biju Menon and Asif Ali as police officers whose egos lead to a dramatic clash. When Biju Menon is accused of a crime, Asif Ali finds himself in a similar predicament. Both men are then forced to go on the run, driven by their determination to clear their names and prove their innocence.
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