The success of acclaimed Tamil director Mari Selvaraj’s film Vaazhai is proof that content is truly the king in today’s times. Being an endearing children’s drama and mounted on a modest budget of 5 crore, the movie has managed to strike a positive chord with the audience. Even though the film witnessed a slight dip on its second Tuesday, it has emerged as a success. Let us analyze the Vaazhai box office on its 12th day.
Vaazhai’s Opening Day Collection
Vaazhai opened to 1.15 crore on its first day. Because of positive word of mouth and a riveting subject, the Vaazhai box office collections gradually saw an upward graph. The collections increased to 2.5 crore on its second day. On its third day, the Mari Selvaraj directorial increased further to 4 crore. The first-week collections of the movie came to 14.15 crore, with which it already managed to recover its budget.
Vaazhai Enters The 20 Crore Mark On Its 12th Day
Vaazhai did witness a slight dip on its 12th day, ie, its second Tuesday. The Ponvel M and Raghul R starrer earned around 0.41 crore. However, the Vaazhai box office collections in the Indian belt now come to 23.91 crore. This is a massive success for the movie, given that it was made with a budget of just 5 crore. It will be interesting to see whether the film crosses the 30 crore mark.
Vaazhai also stars Kalaiyarasan and Nikhila Vimal in the lead roles. Interestingly, the movie is said to be inspired by the director Mari Selvaraj’s own life. The film revolves around the main protagonist, Sivanaindhan (Ponvel M), who works in a banana plantation while also going to school. However, he hates working on the plantation. Not only is the film witnessing a slow upward graph at the box office but has also attained immense critical acclaim, with the performances of the lead star cast winning several laurels. Well, we hope that only good things await now for the Vaazhai box office.
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