Mari Selvaraj’s Vaazhai, a poignant tale about two young schoolboys who work as plantain labourers, has been defying expectations at the Tamil Nadu box office. Despite featuring lesser-known actors in the lead roles and facing competition from biggies Thangalaan and Demonte Colony 2, released on August 15, Vaazhai has consistently outperformed its rivals. Keep reading to know about the film’s box office collections after three days.
The film’s opening weekend was a resounding success, with a net India total of 7.65 crore. It had a decent start on Friday, collecting 1.15 crore, followed by a substantial jump on Saturday, with 2.5 crore. The movie had an overall 73.81% Tamil Occupancy on Sunday. Therefore, Sunday saw a further increase, bringing the total to 4 crore. Word-of-mouth played a big role in getting maximum footfalls over the weekend.
Vaazhai’s performance is particularly noteworthy, considering its relatively small-scale nature. The film’s success can be attributed to its compelling narrative, strong performances, and Mari Selvaraj‘s signature storytelling style. The emotional depth and authenticity of the characters have resonated with audiences, making the film a heartwarming and thought-provoking experience.
Another Kollywood film that hit theatres alongside Vaazhai was Kottukkaal. However, the latter managed to gross only 1 crore in its opening weekend. Vaazhai’s performance is a testament to the power of good storytelling and the appreciation for quality content, regardless of the production scale or the star power involved.
As Vaazhai continues to receive positive reviews and word-of-mouth, it is expected to maintain its momentum at the box office. The film’s success is a significant achievement for Mari Selvaraj and the team involved, as it showcases the potential for independent and small-scale films to significantly impact the Tamil film industry.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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