Mari Selvaraj, the acclaimed Tamil director, has added another feather to his cap with the success of his latest film, Vaazhai. Following the consecutive hits of Pariyerum Perumal, Karnan, and Mamannan, Vaazhai has further solidified Selvaraj’s reputation as a talented and bankable filmmaker.
Vaazhai, a heartwarming children’s drama, has been captivating audiences with its story and endearing performances. The film offers a refreshing departure from the usual action-packed fare and has perhaps achieved significant box-office success because of this! Keep reading to know more!
Vaazhai Box Office Collection in India – Day 5
Vaazhai opened to a promising start, collecting 1.15 crore on its first Friday. The weekend saw a significant surge, with collections reaching 2.5 crore on Saturday and a remarkable 4 crore on Sunday. This strong opening weekend indicated a promising start for the film.
The weekdays witnessed the usual decline, but Monday’s collections were higher than Saturday’s, with 2.7 crore, followed by an estimated 1.5 crore on Tuesday. The movie stands at a domestic total of 11.85 crore (13.98 crore gross).
Vaazhai’s Budget & Profit
Vaazhai was made on a modest budget of 5 crore. Despite its low production cost, the film has performed exceptionally well at the box office, raking in 11.85 crore in net India collections. This translates to a remarkable ROI of 137%.
In addition to its theatrical success, Vaazhai has also secured substantial revenue through digital rights, satellite rights, and audio rights, amassing an additional 10 crore. This brings the film’s total earnings to a staggering 20 crore, making it a highly profitable venture.
With its continued success, Vaazhai is poised to further increase its earnings, solidifying Mari Selvaraj‘s position as one of the most sought-after directors in Kollywood.
Vaazhai’s Worldwide Box Office Collections
Vaazhai has not only captivated domestic audiences but has also resonated with international viewers. The film’s strong opening and consistent performance throughout its run have propelled it to global success.
Combining its impressive domestic gross of 13.98 crore with its overseas earnings of 2.6 crore, Vaazhai has achieved a total of 16.58 crore worldwide. This remarkable feat underscores the film’s ability to transcend cultural boundaries and connect with audiences on a universal level.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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