Nunakkuzhi, a gripping Malayalam thriller directed by the acclaimed Jeethu Joseph, made decent waves at the box office. The film, produced by Yoodlee Films, boasts a stellar cast including Basil Joseph, Nikhila Vimal, Swasika Vijay, Grace Antony, Baiju Santhosh, and Saiju Kurup.
Nunakkuzhi and Vaazha both hit theatres on August 15th. While Nunakkuzhi initially drew audiences with its captivating story and strong performances, the increased screen count for Vaazha in its second week posed a challenge. As a result, Nunakkuzhi‘s own screen presence was slightly reduced. Nevertheless, the film continued to hold its ground, consistently attracting viewers throughout its run.
The film collected a total of 7.15 crore in its first 8 days. The second week saw a slight dip, with collections dropping to 0.28 crore on Friday, 0.57 crore on Saturday, and 1 crore on Sunday. Weekday collections continued to decline, with (a 60% drop) 0.40 crore on Monday and (a further 22.5% drop) 0.31 crore on Tuesday.
As of now, Nunakkuzhi has a total gross of 11.45 crore (9.71 crore net) in India. The film’s success is not confined to domestic markets alone. Nunakkuzhi has also made a significant impact overseas, captivating audiences with its thrilling storyline and cinematic appeal. The film’s international success has contributed significantly to its overall box office performance.
The film has also performed well overseas, raking in 8 crore, bringing the worldwide gross to a respectable 19.45 crore.
A Milestone Achieved
Nunakkuzhi has achieved a remarkable milestone by surpassing the lifetime record of Malayalee From India, which made a global lifetime gross of 18.74 crore.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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