It was the year 2018 when Bollywood, for the first time, witnessed folklore getting transformed on-screen with Rahi Anil Bharve’s Tumbbad. The horror film is all set to re-release in the theaters on September 13. And everyone is excited to witness Hastar’s horror taking the baton from Stree 2‘s Sarkate Ka Aatank!
Tumbbad Re-Release Box Office
The film is expected to cross its budget in the first few days itself. It was made on a budget of 15 crore and earned 13.48 crore at the box office emerging as a flop. However, over a period of time the film got a massive fan following and everyone is excited to witness Hastar’s horror on-screen yet again.
Starring Sohum Shah in the lead, the film is expected to cross its entire budget of 15 crore in the first 2 days, looking at the hyper and a minimal gap of almost 1.5 crore to recover its entire budget. Interestingly, the film entered the profit zone on the first weekend.
Here are some reasons that the film might redeem its box office glory and change the flop verdict to hit!
The Horror Hype At The Box Office
Currently, it is the best time for horror films to perform at the box office since the mood of the audience seems to be very inclined toward it. Be it a psychological thriller like Shaitaan, a supernatural thrillers like Demonte Colony 2, or horror comedies like Munjya, Aranmanai 2, and Stree 2; horror currently is the mood of the nation!
Best Time For Re-Releases
It seems to be the best time for re-releases at the box office. A film like Laila Majnu is having a golden run with its re-release. Even Rockstar made good money with its re-run. So, Tumbbad, which is now a well-known film among movie buffs, would benefit from its stature at the box office.
The Folklore Fandom At The Box Office!
Folklores in the last few years have seen a massive inclination. Be it folklore in Stree or in Kantara. Rahi Anil Barve’s film is also a great combination of folklore mixed with thriller, suspense, and horror. It would be great to witness this epic saga on screen yet again. Hoping it does good numbers and avenges the losses made during the initial release.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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