Nani’s Dasara is doing a rocking business at the Indian box office. The film enjoyed the full benefit of the Ram Navami holiday and clocked a start of 23 crores nett. As yesterday was a working day, a drop was inevitable. The good news is that there’s no crash in numbers, unlike some recent biggies from Tollywood. Here’s how much it collected on day 2!
Helmed by Srikanth Odhela, the film marks the pan-India debut of Nani, who is known for his performances in Eega and Jersey. The pre-release buzz has been huge in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. However, out of these two states, there’s nothing much going for the film. But the Telugu circuits are enough to make the biggie a winner as a superb collection is coming in!
On day 2, Dasara earned 14.50 crores* nett at the Indian box office (inclusive of all languages). From day 1 of 23 crores, it’s a drop but overall it’s a good number as it hasn’t crashed, unlike some recent biggies from the Tollywood industry. This allows the film to pick up the pace today and tomorrow. So, a strong 4-day weekend total is on the board.
After 2 days, Dasara stands at a total of 37.50 crores nett and the film will be recovering its huge budget in the next few days. So, Nani is on his way to getting his first-ever pan-India success at the box office.
Meanwhile, the film isn’t faring smoothly in the Hindi circuit as the 2-day collection is way away from hitting the 1 crore mark.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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