Last weekend marked the engagement of Priyanka Chopra’s brother, Siddharth Chopra, with actress Neelam Upadhyaya. The couple’s wedding festivities took place in Mumbai, including an intimate Hastakshar ceremony.
While Priyanka flew in from the U.S. to join her family for the joyous occasion, her cousin Parineeti Chopra was notably absent. This has led to speculation about whether everything is going well between the Chopra cousins, especially since Priyanka missed Parineeti’s wedding with Raghav Chadha last year.
Parineeti Chopra’s Absence from Siddharth Chopra’s Engagement Raises Eyebrows
The festivities were attended by the close family and friends of the Chopras. Priyanka shared glimpses from the event on social media, revealing that the ceremony took place on her late father’s birthday. While the family appeared happy together, Parineeti’s absence from Siddharth Chopra’s engagement ceremony raised concerns among fans.
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This isn’t the first time Parineeti has missed a family event; she was also absent from Siddharth Chopra’s Roka ceremony, which took place in April this year. Priyanka Chopra’s post has since been flooded with comments from fans eager to know why Parineeti missed the family function.
“Where is your sis Parineeti? Always Manara with you,” wrote one fan, while another commented, “Why couldn’t Parineeti come?” However, another section of the audience pointed out that while Parineeti was absent, her parents did attend the ceremony. “Parineeti’s parents are there and look very happy, so don’t try to make everything dirty between their family,” commented a follower.
Parineeti is currently in London, which could be the reason behind her missing Siddharth’s engagement. A similar situation occurred at her own wedding in September 2023, when Priyanka did not attend the event, raising speculation about tension between the sisters. However, Priyanka’s mother, Madhu Chopra, later clarified that the actress wanted to attend Parineeti’s wedding but was stuck in the U.S. due to prior work commitments.
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