Shah Rukh Khan is one of the most loved actors not just in India but also throughout the world. Recently, Ashwini Deshpande, shared on Twitter that the superstar had sent a handwritten note of appreciation along with an autographed picture to the fan in Egypt and to her.
SRK‘s heartwarming gesture came after Ashwini’s tweet went viral revealing that an Egyptian travel agent helped out an Indian professor because she was from King Khan’s country. Social media was abuzz with various kinds of posts and now Amul too shared a post and has now won people’s hearts.
Amul, an Indian dairy cooperative society, based at Anand in the Indian state of Gujarat, often shares posts on Twitter. The official handle of the company shared a post honouring Shah Rukh Khan that read, “#Amul Topical: SRK thanks Egyptian fan for helping Indian professor!”
Take a look at the tweet below:
#Amul Topical: SRK thanks Egyptian fan for helping Indian professor!
— (@Amul_Coop) January 24, 2022
Soon after the tweet was shared, it attracted more than 3,800 likes and counting. Ashwini Desphande, also took to Twitter to express her reaction to the post shared by Amul. “As if the tweets going viral wasn’t unreal enough, now this. Appearing in the iconic @Amul_Coop ad that too with @iamsrk!! No words or emojis can capture what I am feeling right now,” she wrote.
The Professor posted her tweet in response to a tweet shared by her daughter. She also previously tweeted a request made by the Egyptian travel agent.
My husband & I finally met the man in this story today! I told him about the tsunami of good cheer his story generated. @RedChilliesEnt: he would be delighted with a photo of @iamsrk, autographed in his daughter’s name if possible. Please DM me if this can be arranged, thanks! 😊
— Ashwini_Deshpande (@AshwDeshpande) January 10, 2022
A very happy ending to this story. 3 photos signed by SRK arrived today, one with the nicest message for the Egyptian travel agent, one for his daughter & one for mine @Ketaki_Varma 🥰🥰 Thanks @pooja_dadlani for getting in touch & of course to 👑 @iamsrk for the gracious gesture
— Ashwini_Deshpande (@AshwDeshpande) January 22, 2022
So what do you think about Shah Rukh Khan’s heartwarming gesture? Let us know in the comments.