In July 2021, Bollywood’s most loved and legendary actor Dilip Kumar breathed his last. After suffering from old age health-related issues, Dilip Kumar’s health deteriorated. It’s been 9 months and it will soon be a year since the legendary actor left for his heavenly abode but his better half is yet to come to terms with her loss.
A recent report stated that Saira Banu’s well-wisher has penned a letter directly to the former actress. Read on to know more about it.
In her first interview, after Dilip Kumar’s death, Saira Banu spoke to ETimes and revealed that she’s extremely distressed and cannot get out of the loss of her beloved husband Dilip Kumar. The bereaved wife said, “I was doing everything very happily too. Everything was so fine, just the two of us together. I loved sitting at home with Sahab. Anyway, I am not an outgoing person or a party person. Today, I don’t want to step out.”
Saira Banu went on to add, “It is just that I need Sahab so desperately in my life. I am not mingling with people. Maybe only with my immediate friends. I am lucky that a lot of people are so concerned about me. But for now, I am doing a lot of meditation and prayer.”
Our heart goes out to Saira Banu ji!
Speaking about the letter, excerpts from the letter read, “Media reports I am seeing are not soothing for me. They are reporting that you are overwhelmingly distraught and depressed, and have withdrawn yourself within a shell and not taking any calls. I feel deeply concerned to know this. Sairaji, I don’t mean to say platitudes but you have to accept and face the realities of your life. Nobody is immortal and everyone has to leave this world one day. God had given a full life to Dilip Sah’b and that life was filled to the brim with glory, prestige, success and happiness.”
“Sairaji, the whole world loves you and feels unhappy if you are unhappy. Please, for the sake of your well-wishers, come out of the self-imposed isolation and share life with the world. This is an appeal to you from a sincere well-wisher who has always admired your noble character. Whatever life God has given you is precious and has to be lived not only for yourself but for those around you. For you, the whole world is around you,” read the letter further.
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