Shah Rukh Khan is all set to return to the big screens after 4 years with Pathaan. With less than a month to go, fans are super excited for the King’s roar and the wait is just getting harder. Yesterday, on the occasion of Christmas, Shah Rukh held an ‘Ask SRK’ session on Twitter. Among tons of questions, the actor replied to a fan who asked about the trailer release of his next and Khan’s reply to it got us cracked up!
For the unversed, Shah Rukh was last seen in Zero. Released in 2018, the film was a box office flop. Post Zero, the superstar had announced a break and is now set for a comeback with Pathaan. Helmed by Siddharth Anand, the film also marks Khan’s return to YRF after a long gap. Belonging to the action genre, it is expected to give Khan a much-needed smashing return.
Yesterday, on Christmas occasion, Shah Rukh Khan held an ‘Ask SRK’ session and as expected, he was thrown with some exciting questions by hardcore fans. Among them, one asked the superstar about the release of Pathaan’s trailer. He questioned, “Pathaan trailer release kyo nahi kr rahe (Why aren’t you releasing Pathaan’s trailer)?” In reply, Shah Rukh said, “Ha ha meri marzi (It’s my wish)!!! It will come when it comes.”
Well, we feel really bad for Shah Rukh Khan’s fan who asked him the question but can’t help it! With less than a month to go, we expect the Pathaan trailer to drop anytime in the next few days.
Apart from Shah Rukh Khan, the film also stars Deepika Padukone, John Abraham, Ashutosh Rana and others. It releases on 25th January 2023.
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