Shah Rukh, John Abraham and Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan is already making quite a buzz at the box office since its release on January 25, 2023. It’s been breaking and making new records being a Hindi film even on the global platform. However, in a recently deleted tweet, RSVP producer Ronnie Screwvala claimed that Pathaan will never be able to surpass Aamir Khan’s Dangal’s global box office collection. Irked SRK fans have been bashing the producer since then. Read on to find out!
As per recent reports, Pathaan has crossed the Rs 875 crore mark globally and has collected Rs 452.9 crore domestically at the box office. Even though it has surpassed Dangal’s domestic box office collection of Rs 387 crore, it will be a little tough for it to cross its global collection as it was recorded to be over 303 million dollars (Rs 2200 crore approx).
Dangal is the highest-grossing Hindi film on the global box office market and to even reach that spot, Pathaan has to surpass Baahubali 2 (Rs 1810 cr), RRR ( Rs 1258 cr) and KGF 2 (Rs 1250 cr). However, to prove this point, RSVP producer, Ronnie Screwvala stated in a now-deleted Tweet, “Just to be very factual and clear. Dangal is and will remain the highest-grossing Hindi movie globally — just in China it did Rs 1200 crore plus. Just so we keep the record straight.”
Ronnie Screwvala responded to a box office critic’s tweet about Pathaan’s collection and stated the above fact. Now, the deleted post has been shared by irked Shah Rukh Khan‘s fans on Reddit and bashed the producer. One of them wrote, “Ronnie must’ve been the Dangal producer. Then remembered he might like to co produce with Red Chillies in the future. Hence the delete.”
Ronnie Screwvala tweeted this today & then deleted the tweet. (Pathan vs Dangal) from BollyBlindsNGossip
Another one pointed out, “screwvala isnt even associated with dangal why is he being jealous of pathaan’s success? iirc he was the producer of chennai express and happy new year?”
One of them commented, “may be the Rakesh Sharma Biopic which SRK declined and eventually went to Aamir. What happened to it btw?”
One of the users commented, “Pathaan has surpassed dangal in hindi collections . Don’t know why is he being jealous . Feels like shahrukh khan’s has not been digested by many . And I really want shahrukh khan’s upcoming project to do well and then see these lizards changing their colors . And just to be factually correct he hasn’t been able to release laal singh chadha in china because of low demand😰”
Whatever it might be, Shah Rukh Khan after 4 years returned to the screens with the film Pathaan and showed everyone who the King of Bollywood is! What are your thoughts about Ronnie Screwvala’s deleted post? Let us know!
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