Since the past few days, rumours about Bollywood actress Parineeti Chopra’s love life have been making headlines and how. The actress became the talk of the town when she got snapped with AAP’s after a lunch date. While earlier sources suggested that the duo share a great bond, later, the source stated that they are a couple and are set to take their relationship to the next level and get hitched. But even before they could confirm or deny the rumours AAP’s MP congratulated the couple, already,
Earlier, we told you, the alleged couple’s families are expected to host a roka ceremony for them, following which they will make an official announcement. Recently, the actress was snapped outside Manish Malhotra’s store that got netizens thinking out loud.
Taking to Twitter Sanjeev Arora wrote, “I extend my heartfelt congratulations to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes!!!”
I extend my heartfelt congratulations to @raghav_chadha and @ParineetiChopra. May their union be blessed with an abundance of love, joy, and companionship. My best wishes!!!
— Sanjeev Arora (@MP_SanjeevArora) March 28, 2023
A source close to the couple had earlier revealed to ETimes, “The two went for dinner recently after their families initiated discussions on marriage. They knew each other, liked each other and had common interests, and everything worked out well. Their families have known each other for some time. There has been no formal ceremony yet, but the families are discussing it and there will be some ceremony soon. Both families are happy about the two being together, but fixing a date for any ceremony is difficult, considering the two are busy with their respective schedules. The ceremony will be a small, intimate affair with close family members.”
Well, after reading this we already can’t wait for Parineeti and Raghav to make an official announcement. Can you?
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