Khushi Kapoor is a fashionista who is always on the lookout to put her best fashion foot forward, and the Ganesh Chaturthi bash hosted by the Amabnis turned out to be just the event for the Bollywood starlet to flaunt her ethnic style file. Khushi – who is yet to make her big acting debut – can any day give A-listers a run for their money with her impeccable sartorial choices, be ethnic or western. If you thought Khushi was a Gen-Z icon who only knows how to pair bikinis and tank tops and crops and cargos you may want to scroll through as we decipher her latest pastel lehenga details for you.
Khushi Kapoor has been generating significant given her upcoming film ‘The Archies’ which also marks her debut. Set in the 90s, the teen-musical tale is the Indian adaptation of the popular American comic Archies wherein Khushi will be seen stepping into the shoes of Betty Cooper. Helmed by Zoya Akhtar, the film will also feature debutants, Suhana Khan and Agastya Nanda.
Coming back to Khushi’s Ganesh Chaturthi look, the youngest Kapoor on the block was an angel in disguise in a resplendent pastel pink and blue straight-cut embroidered lehenga with sequin detailing that she teamed with a matching off-shoulder wrap blouse. The intricate lehenga from the shelves of Manish Malhotra was further accentuated by a studded choker and earrings from the celebrated designer’s latest jewelry collection, giving Khushi a regal look.
With the upcoming wedding season on the cards, Khushi’s latest lehenga can serve as a perfect bridesmaid inspo for all the friends/sisters of the bride and we are sure it’s that ‘It’ look that will make you stand out from the lot and not only ‘didi ka devar’ but also jiju might also want to peek a glance of your hot looks. Further, the A-line flow allows the comfort that bridesmaids need to actively participate in the big day chores while the subtle tones of the fit keep the minimal aesthetic of the look barring one from outstanding the bride, a fair point that needs generous consideration.
As for Khushi, she further rounded off her look with airbrushed make-up that included well-defined brows, mascara-laden lashes, and contoured cheeks along with gorgeous nude lips in line with the current strawberry trend. Her middle-parted sleek hair rested on her one shoulder as she posed for the lenses looking every bit phenomenal.
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Trust Khushi to pull off any outfit with ease but her ability to carry ethnic style stands out for us. What are your thoughts?
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