In an interview, Nag Aswin once mentioned that Amithabh was always interested in learning about his part in the film. He added that Amithabh, with his enormous wig and beard, was a non-intrusive character who would wait calmly in the scenes.
Following Kalki 2898 AD’s recent crossing of the 1000 crore mark, the main actors in the movie uploaded videos in which they thanked the audience and the crew for their support. In a video that he posted, Prabhas expressed his respect for well-known actors like Kamal Haasan and Amitabh Bachchan while mentioning Deepika Padukone, director Nag Ashwin, and other noteworthy performers.
While doing the same, Kamal Haasan neglected to credit Prabhas in his video. He went so far as to say that audience satisfaction should take precedence over collecting. On social media, some drew attention to the fact that he overlooked Prabhas and asserted that his happiness stemmed from his collections.
However, Amitabh Bachchan avoided the faults that Kamal committed. He hailed the crowd for the enormous success and expressed gratitude to the producers and director for their boldness and vision. He claims that everyone contributed to the success and made a suggestion — albeit a subtle one — that Prabhas is the main factor in the movie’s $1 billion box office take. He declared, “Prabhas had received 1000 crores before. Although his earlier movies also met this goal, I’m thrilled and honored to have contributed to this ambitious project. After watching it four times already, I always learned something new.
According to him, Kalki is more than just a movie; it’s an education. He expressed how excited he is for Kalki 2. For the sequel, as far as we know, Ashwini Dutt and his daughters are producers, while Nag Ashwin is the director. The second installment, which has music composed by Santosh Narayanan, is anticipated to be released in the latter half of 2025.
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