Alia Bhatt suffered the most unexpected turmoil when a media house zoomed in their lenses and shared pictures of her from her personal space. The actress was sitting on her balcony when the incident took place and even reached out to Mumbai Police for help. Karan Johar, Arjun Kapoor, Swara Bhasker among others have come in her support. Now, Anushka Sharma and Janhvi Kapoor are sharing their experiences of privacy violation. Scroll below for details!
For the unversed, Alia had taken to her Instagram stories and shared what the portal claimed as ‘exclusive’ pictures from her house. She could be seen all cosy in a plain white t-shirt enjoying her personal space until she noticed someone was watching her. The actress then noticed two men from the neighbouring building, zooming in their lenses and clicking her pictures. As expected, the actress was in disbelief and reached out to police officials for help.
Soon after, Anushka Sharma took to her Instagram stories and detailed her traumatic past experiences with the portal. She wrote, “This is not the first time they are doing this. About two years ago we called them out for the same reason! You’d think it would have made them more respectful of peoples space and privacy. Absolutely shameful! They were also the only guys posting photos of our daughter despite repeated requests.”
Janhvi Kapoor also reacted to Alia Bhatt’s story and shared, “This is disgustingly intrusive. This publication has repeatedly done things like this. Including, despite my continuous requests, photographed me unaware; inside the gym I go to while working out through the glass door. In a space that is supposed to be private, where one does not anticipate to get photographed. I understand showing up to places, and in plain sight doing your job. Where there is a mutual understanding of the job of the photographers, and the job and requirements of being a public figure. This stealthiness, zooming into someone’s private space without their consent or even awareness and calling it exclusive as if it’s a journalistic accomplishment is far from it.”
Shaheen Bhatt, Soni Razdan, Swara Bhasker, Arjun Kapoor and many others also called out the media house for their ‘unprofessional’ behaviour.
Karan Johar took to his stories and reacted, “There is no justification to this absolutely disgusting invasion of privacy. Everyone from the entertainment industry is always for the media and the paparazzi and are accommodating … but there HAS to be a LIMIT…. This is about anyone’s right to feel safe in their own homes! This is not about actors or celebrities it’s a basic human right!!!!”
Well, hopefully, such antics would now be stopped and celebrities like Alia Bhatt, Anushka Sharma and Janhvi Kapoor won’t have to feel unsafe in their own personal space.
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