One show that has managed to create a monstrous buzz across the globe is Euphoria, which stars Zendaya and recently aired its season 2. The popularity has spread so wide that it has become the second most consumed show on HBO after Game Of Thrones. Debut in 2019, it soon became a rage, and the conflicts and aesthetics of the show were the talks of the town.
But, it turns out everything around the show is not as happening as it seems. Just when the wide wave of appreciation still continues to hit the makers, they have also found their feet deep in controversy. Some accusations of toxic work culture have now been made against the makers of the HBO show.
If you are unaware, some unrevealed accusers have made some accusations on the makers of Euphoria. Season 2 of the show was put on hold after the pandemic hit shores. The show finally premiered in 2021. The latest allegations claim that the set was a toxic work ground and the background actors were mistreated there. Read on to know more.
As per Screenrant, the allegations also say that Sam Levinson’s sets lacked preparations to fight the pandemic as per guidelines. The filmmaker was careless about the Covid-19 safety guidelines.
Turns out HBO has now rolled out a statement regarding the accusations made against Euphoria 2 makers. It read, “The well-being of cast and crew on our productions is always a top priority. The production was in full compliance with all safety guidelines and guild protocols. It’s not uncommon for drama series to have complex shoots, and COVID protocols add an additional layer. We maintain an open line of communication with all the guilds, including SAG-AFTRA. There were never any formal inquiries raised.”
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