The Weeknd has been around the news for his upcoming series, The Idol, which also stars Lily-Rose Depp. As their upcoming series has been steadily building momentum on the road to its June 4 debut, it recently received a mixed response from its screening at the recent Cannes Festival. The series is full of explicit content and follows a regressive narrative, as per the recent reviews.
With all that, a new video has been around the internet where the pop star is singing Arijit Singh’s heartbreak banger, O Bedardiya, through Artificial intelligence. From the sick and twisted minds of Sam Levinson, the upcoming series will have pop star The Weeknd portrays Tedros, a nightclub owner and cult leader. His character gets into a complicated relationship with rookie pop star Jocelyn, played by Lily-Rose Depp.
While the series is yet to debut for the audiences, a new video has gotten the internet’s attention. A video posted on a meme account named gajodharsinghcool on Instagram uploaded the video of The Weeknd singing O Bedardiya through AI, which also shows scenes from his upcoming series, The Idol. As the singer is seen wrapping Lily-Rose in his arms, he sings Arijit Singh’s heartbreak anthem track.
Checkout the video below that has been getting a lot of attention on the internet. While the video gas has been going viral, users are dropping hilarious comments reacting to The Weeknd singing the song.
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A user commented, “Weekjeet singh”, while another added, “Oooo bhediya oo bhediyaa”
As The Weeknd recently changed his name, users took a dig and commented, “Abelinder singh” User also commented, “Bro wants attention from Indians”
With all that, let us know what do you think about The Weeknd singing heartbreak banger through AI. For more stories, stay tuned to
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