A few days back, The Kapil Sharma show made the headlines as there were rumours that comedian Sidharth Sagar had quit the show owing to financial differences with the producers of the show. Sagar has now spoken about the same in a recent interview with an esteemed news portal. Scroll down to know what he has said.
This is not the first time when someone has quit the show led by Kapil Sharma, and prior to Sagar, popular actors/comedians, including Ali Asgar, Sunil Grover, Chandan Prabhakar, and Krushna Abhishek, have left the show in between. Lately, the rumours of Sidharth quitting the show left his fans disappointed.
In a recent interaction with Indian Express, Sidharth Sagar cleared the air around it and said, “Aisa kuch nahi hai [There’s nothing that]. It’s all fake news.” He was further asked about whether he is shooting for the upcoming episodes of The Kapil Sharma Show, to which he replied, “I did not shoot for the last few episodes. But team se abhi baat huyi hai meri [But I’ve spoken to the team].”
ETimes previously reported that the reason behind this decision is the result of financial disagreements between the comedian and the producers of The Kapil Sharma Show. But back then, his remark indicated that he had no idea there had been something like this out in the news. He said, “I have no reaction since I don’t even know what has been out in the media. Mujhe nahi pata kya reports aayi hai, maine nahi dekha [I don’t know what’s there in the reports. I didn’t see them].”
Besides Sidharth Sagar, Krushna Abhishek also opened up that he would work with Kapil again, but he also claimed that the comedian had an ‘attitude’.
The Kapil Sharma Show has been back on Sony TV since September last year with a new season, and for more interesting updates on that, stay tuned to Koimoi.
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