The Diary of West Bengal is based on the riveting subject of the Rohingya refugee crisis and illegal infiltrations from Bangladesh. The movie has been directed by Sanoj Mishra. Jitendra Narayan Singh has bankrolled the movie. Now, the producer has broken his silence over the film’s stoic objective.
Jaideep Narayan Singh said, “Our goal is to expose the uncomfortable truths.” The movie stars Arshin Mehta, Yajur Marwah, Ramendra Chakarwarti, Gauri Shankar, Avadh Ashwini, and Ashish Kumar in the lead roles. The film dives deep into the heart of West Bengal, exploring themes that many have considered taboo or politically charged.
The trailer for The Diary of West Bengal has also received critical acclaim. The movie revolves around a region that struggles with its identity and is caught between the traditions of its past and the modern-day challenges that threaten its social fabric. Not only this, but the movie also does not shy away from exploring controversial topics like Love Jihad and the stark realities faced by communities living on the fringes. Take a look at the trailer of the movie.
Producer Jitendra Narayan Singh called The Diary Of West Bengal a ‘wake-up call for the nation.’ He added, “We are not here to pander to the masses. Our goal is to expose the uncomfortable truths. ‘The Diary of West Bengal’ is a wake-up call for the nation to address these issues head-on.”
While director Sanoj Mishra called The Diary Of West Bengal much more than just a narrative. He said that it reflects the societal pressure that the state still endures. He revealed, “This film is more than just a narrative; it’s a mirror reflecting the societal changes and pressures that West Bengal endures. We’ve taken a bold step to portray the harsh realities, and we stand by our depiction, as art should challenge and provoke.”
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