Fashion designer Rohit K Verma took to social media on Thursday to express his support for a close friend and actress Nisha Rawal at a time when she has levelled domestic violence and other allegations against her husband, actor Karan Mehra.
Rohit took to Instagram to hit back at trolls targeting Nisha, asking them if they support physical abuse or domestic violence.
“Nisha, the most resilient and gentle soul has always believed in finding solutions amicably. I have seen her through her highs and lows and she has always risen above the blocks of life with an additional smile on her face. This time, she has been at the receiving end of untamed anger which has impacted her physically and no amount of excuses can justify this act against her,” Rohit K Verma wrote in an Instagram post.
“For those who pick sides without knowledge, understand that no individual has the right to touch another person with an ill intention or hurt them physically which in turn leads to mental trauma. If you still don’t get this basic understanding, then it’s high time you ask your mother how to be a human to begin with,” Rohit K Verma added.
Hitting back at trolls, he further wrote: “The facade hides the true fact and people are very good at that. Picking up sides trolling and supporting won’t help as it is very easy to sit back and comment on other people going through rough patches. The book should not be judged by its cover and every story in life has a dark side too. We must pray that things fall in place without any damage to anyone be it of any sort and moreover in all this we must never forget that there is a child involved who is at this point oblivious to the cruel workings of the world let’s keep his innocence intact.”
“All those who are trolling us with ur hate in a speech just wanna ask one simple question that u need to answer ur souls are u in favour of Physical Abuse (Domestic Violence)? @missnisharawal,” Rohit K Verma concluded.
“Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai” fame actor Karan Mehra has been accused by his wife, actress Nisha Rawal, of having an affair, taking her jewellery and beating her up. Mehra was granted bail on Tuesday morning after his arrest the night before following a complaint by Nisha over a domestic fight.