Controversies around Adipurush don’t seem to end anytime soon. Soon after the film was released in theatres, fans called out the makers and bashed them for using cringe-worthy dialogues used by Lord Ram and Lord Hanuman in the film. However, after watching the movie, netizens took to Twitter asking the makers for a re-run of the epic Ramayana by Ramanand Sagar on DD National. Amid the chaos, Dipika Chiklia, who played ‘Sita’ in the epic saga, recently dropped a video which she claims is on Public demand.
A couple of days back, we told you fans have requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to telecast the mythological show as they want to clean their eyes’ and for ‘National detoxification.’
Taking to Instagram, Dipika Chikhlia is seen getting ready as ‘Sita’ and posing for the camera. She captioned the video, “This post is on public demand … I am grateful for the love I have always received for the role i played … Me … as sitaji …could not have asked for more …” Soon after she posted the video, netizens bashed Adipurush and said no one can replace her.
Commenting on her post a user wrote, “Ma’am aapki yeh ek reel …. Puri Adipurush film per bhari pade gi,” while another said, “hita maata ji ka yeh ek reel Puri Aadhipurush film par bhairi hai baat sahi lagi toh like karo.”
A third user wrote, “Ramayan aur mahabharat k sabhi kirdaro ko padma shri award milna chahiye,” while fourth one said, “U R the icon of hindu religion U R not a actresss mam u r the emotion lots love respect abhi bhi maa sita ki chavi barkarar rkhne k liye.”
A fifth one wrote, “Aapke jesi Sita Mata na to kabhi huyi thi or nahi kabhi hogi…”
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Recently, Arun Govil, who played Lord Ram in Ramanand Sagar’s ‘Ramayana’ also reacted to the film and called it ‘Hollywood ki cartoon film.’ In his interview with ABP, he said, “What was wrong with the depiction we have all known and loved for all these years? What was the need to change things? Perhaps the team doesn’t have proper faith in Lord Rama and Sita, and that is why they made these changes.”
Have you watched the Adipurush yet? If yes, what are your thoughts on the film? Do let us know.
Meanwhile, stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates on Adipurush.
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