Paras Chhabra and Mahira Sharma, affectionately called as PaHira by fans are setting spark fire on screens yet again. The duo is seen alongside each other in their just-released song Jinna Royi Aan. The song has gone viral online and is already doing rounds on social media.
In the video, Mahira is seen donning a Rajasthani look and is seen posing with a camel in a desert. Whereas Paras is seen in a rugged avtaar with curly hair and smoky eyes with guns and a wicked smile.
Jinna Royi Aan, which was released today, was highly anticipated as the real-life best friends duo – Paras Chhabra & Mahira Sharma, are seen in a different avtaar for the very first time in a project! Since its release 9 hours ago, the track has garnered nearly 1.5 million views
Paras Chhabra & Mahira Sharma were recently in Dubai to shoot for their upcoming project, which is supposedly a music video! They were spotted strolling on the streets of Dubai and the video of the same went viral on Instagram. This music video is going to be a treat for all the fans who were anticipating witnessing the duo cast their incandescence on screen!