It can be safely said that The Kapil Sharma Show is the most successful comedy show on Indian television. Starring Bharti Singh, Chandan Prabhakar amongst others, the show has garnered unprecedented fame for its cast. But it is Krushna Abhishek, who’s garnered the most limelight.
Whether it is his stint as Sapna or his feud with Govinda, a lot of things via TKSS has garnered publicity for Krushna. But the most intriguing rumour was around his rivalry with host Kapil. Were the rumours ever true? Scroll below for the truth!
Clarifying all the reports, Krushna Abhishek told Indian Express, “We were shown as rivals but that never affected our friendship. I remember he was the first person to call me when my father died. We have both always stood by each other and respected each other. The thin line of friendship was always held strong. And I think that is why we are still strong together. It’s been almost four years that we are on the show and it’s still going strong.”
Just not that, Krushna Abhishek even revealed that he shares a healthy relationship with all The Kapil Sharma Show co-stars including Bharti Singh, Kiku Sharda and others.
“We all work for the betterment of the show. If that becomes superhit, we will also be successful. We are all very secure people and if we start bickering about personal footage or who’s getting more lines, the show will fall. And that would bring the end for all of us too,” he added.
Well, it seems to be a big happy family for Kapil Sharma and his team. That’s great, right?
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