Controversial actor-turned-critic Kamaal Rashid Khan never leaves a chance to make a statement on anything and everything. While he has been currently on a spree of slamming Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film Pathaan, he recently received an epic comeback from Devoleena Bhattacharjee when he made a comment on her wedding. In a surprise turn of events, the Saath Nibhana Saathiya actress got married to her gym trainer Shahnawaz Sheikh.
The actress took to Instagram to share a few glimpses from her intimate wedding while announcing the same. Now in his series of tweet, the self-claimed critic stated that Devo was set to marry her good friend Vishal Singh 6 days before her wedding with Sheikh.
Like always, Kamaal Rashid Khan took to Twitter to comment on Devoleena Bhattacharjee’s wedding with Shahnawaz Sheikh while dragging her good friend Vishal Singh into it. KRK tweeted, “Till 6 days ago #Develeena was all set to marry with #Vishal. But today she got married to #shahnawazsheikh! Why? Means something big happened between Vishal and Develeena.”
Reacting to the same, Devoleena Bhattacharjee laughed it off and called him funny. Re-tweeting the same, she told him, “You are toooo Funny KRK… Anyway have a good day.” However, things went a little overboard when KRK told asked Devo why she rejected him as he’s better than her husband Shahnawaz Shaikh.
You are toooo Funny KRK…😃🤣 Anyway have a good day 🧿
— Devoleena Bhattacharjee (@Devoleena_23) December 21, 2022
When KRK wrote, “Hey congratulations for marriage and future married life. But trust me I am 1000% better than Shahnawaz Shaikh. Aapne Mujhe reject Kyon kiya,” she slammed him saying, “Kyonki mujhe 1000% better nahi mere liye best cahiye tha. Aur bhabhi jaan ki dil nahi dukha sakti thi na main.”
Kyonki mujhe 1000% better nahi mere liye best cahiye tha. Aur bhabhi jaan ki dil nahi dukha sakti thi na main. 😇😃
— Devoleena Bhattacharjee (@Devoleena_23) December 21, 2022
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Devoleena Bhattacharjee recently opened up about doing a low-key wedding. She recently told Indian Express, “He’s not from the industry but he’s well settled. He has his own name in the fitness industry. If I would have made the marriage grand and flaunted his money, trolls would have called me a gold digger.”
Coming back, what are your thoughts on KRK’s dig on Devo’s marriage? Do let us know. Meanwhile, stay tuned to Koimoi for more updates from the Telly World.
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