Krishna Shroff has made a fierce ‘Baaghi’ comeback to Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, which marks her first on-screen project. Her return to the show also received appreciation from the host and director Rohit Shetty, who called Shroff’s entry “Haq ka comeback.” The entrepreneur eliminated a few days ago, has heightened anticipation among the audience by winning the comeback stunt. Audiences quickly mentioned that this could be the most incredible wildcard entry comeback throughout all 14 seasons.
For the wildcard entry stunt of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, Krishna Shroff and Abhishek Kumar participated in a car stunt. While one drove a car, the other went around it, collected flags from the top of the window, and returned. As one partner completed one round, the other had to repeat the process until all the flags were collected. Krishna Shroff and Abhishek Kumar collected all the flags and won the stunt before time. However, this was not the only time Krishna impressed everyone with her performance.
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In one of the recently held challenging stunts of Khatron Ke Khiladi 14, three players from each team had to go just under 30 feet underwater around a platform with a heavy rope around it. The contestants then had to remove multiple knots throughout the rope and uncoil it as much as possible to attain the flag. Sumona Chakravarti and Abhishek Kumar, who were a part of Krishna Shroff’s team, did not indulge in the stunt, which left Krishna to untie all the knots single-handedly and perform a 3-person task by herself. By doing this, she led her team to victory against all odds, as they had a longer rope uncoiled than the other team, which also meant they had officially won group week and were safe from elimination. She became the episode’s star, earning praise from the host Rohit Shetty.
While Krishna Shroff left everyone stunned by the daredevil task, it will be interesting to see whether she will maintain her streak of becoming the ultimate go-getter in Khatron Ke Khiladi 14. Not only this, but rumor mills are rife that Krishna is also one of the top 3 finalists of the show, along with Gashmeer Mahijani and Karanveer Mehra. If this is true, then she will definitely end up having the most victorious arc on the show. Earlier, Shroff had expressed how she was disappointed with herself after her journey on the show was cut short due to a difficult snake-based stunt that she could not complete. However, it can be safely said that she has completely managed to redeem herself.
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