Actress Kavita Kaushik will be seen embracing the role of ‘Buxa Mausi’ in the upcoming tracks of the show ‘Lakshmi Ghar Aayi’. Kavita who was previously seen in a reality show has been a part of the entertainment industry for quite some time now. She is now seen making a comeback after a brief hiatus.
Her character ‘Buxa Mausi’ is strong, powerful and a rich woman. She said: “I am very excited to be working with the team of ‘Lakshmi Ghar Aayi’. I was attracted to the story and the character, the instant I heard the story. Buxa Mausi’s character is interesting and progressive, and very interesting to play.”
Kavita Kaushik added: “‘Buxa’ is someone who doesn’t show much affection, but deep inside wants to show affection and also wants affection. It will be interesting for the audiences to watch how Buxa Mausi will affect ‘Maithail’ and ‘Raghav’. The viewers are going to have a lot of fun watching ‘Buxa Mausi’ on television.”
‘Lakshmi Ghar Aayi’ is a story that revolves around the lives of ‘Maithili Tiwari’ (played by Simran Pareenja) and ‘Raghav’ (played by Akshit Sukhija). The show highlights Maithili’s struggles and how she became a victim of dowry. Currently, the show has taken an exciting turn and has led to the marriage of ‘Maithili’ and ‘Raghav’. Even though they both have feelings for each other, the hate is covering up the love for now.
‘Lakshmi Ghar Aayi’ airs on Star Bharat.