The Netflix mini-series IC814: The Kandahar Hijack was released on the OTT streaming platform on August 29, 2024. The show is based on the real-life terrifying hijacking of Indian Airlines Flight 814 on December 24, 1999. Anubhav Sinha helmed the show, which has opened to rave reviews by the masses. However, earlier today, netizens started trending “Boycott Netflix” to protest against the show.
It all started when many netizens who watched IC814: The Kandahar Hijack noticed a factual error that was simply unforgivable. Many netizens who watched the show on Netflix claimed that director Anubhav Sinha changed the names of the terrorists shown in the series. Some netizens dug out the actual names of the terrorists who were involved in the attack. These names were found to be Ibrahim Athar, Shahid Akhtar, Sunny Ahmed, Zahoor Mistry, and Shakir. However, netizens alleged that Anubhav Sinha used names like Shankar and Bhola for the hijackers in IC814: The Kandahar Hijack.
This has not gone down well with netizens, who started trending “Boycott Netflix” to protest the OTT streaming platform’s support of IC814: The Kandahar Hijack. Some users also shared screenshots of themselves uninstalling Netflix from their phones. Many netizens also started trending “Boycott Bollywood,” accusing the film industry of repeatedly making such errors.
This is not the first time the OTT streaming platform has come under the scanner. Earlier, Boycott Netflix was also trending as netizens demanded the removal of the Nayanthara starrer Tamil film Annapoorani: The Goddess Of Food, which was streaming on the platform. As a result, Netflix had to remove the movie after facing the wrath of the netizens.
IC814: The Kandahar Hijack also starred Naseeruddin Shah, Pankaj Kapur, Vijay Varma, Dia Mirza, and Arvind Swamy in the lead roles. While Anubhav Sinha directed the Netflix mini-series, Adrian Levy and Trishant Srivastav penned the same. Talking about the actual spine-chilling incident, the terrorists hijacked Indian Airlines Flight 814 while it was flying from Nepal to Delhi.
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