The ensemble of Friends came together (apart from Matthew Perry) for a recent NBC special called Must See TV: An All-Star Tribute to James Burrows, which honored the renowned director of the adored comedy. Amid all the hilarity and nostalgia, a strange behind-the-scenes detail emerged: Aniston, Courteney Cox, and Lisa Kudrow had been eating the same salad for lunch every day for ten years.
Cox revealed the recipe for this well-known “Jennifer salad,” which is a far cry from your typical lunch and is a healthy take on a Cobb salad with turkey bacon and garbanzo beans. However, the fixation didn’t end there. Later on Instagram, Aniston shared her new go-to salad recipe, which calls for a combination of bulgur, cucumbers, parsley, mint, red onion, feta, garbanzo beans, and pistachios. It has a ton of taste and crunch!
Beyond the salads, the reunion offered fans a glimpse into the friendship that was the unique quality of Friends. Kudrow refuted allegations of contract stipulations prohibiting cast hookups, but what truly caught attention was their sincere friendship. As Aniston put it, “We really just fell in love and adored each other instantly.” That sums it up well. This ensemble demonstrated that true friendships were the foundation of Friends through dinner parties and sleepovers. Thus, if you’re considering changing up your lunch routine, remember that sometimes the secret to happiness is to stick with what you love. Take a cue from Aniston.
Jennifer Aniston says viral recipe for salad she ate on Friends is fake
Jennifer Aniston just dropped a truth bomb that’s shaking TikTok—her viral Friends salad recipe? Totally fake! The internet went wild after food blogger Lovely Delites shared a recipe she claimed Aniston ate every day on set. But in a recent chat with Elle, Aniston debunked the whole thing. “That’s not the salad I had every day on Friends,” she confessed, adding that while the dish looks tasty, she’d never pack in that many chickpeas (digestive issues, anyone?).
Aniston’s real go-to? A “doctored-up” Cobb salad, as revealed by her co-star Courteney Cox. The fake recipe might have taken over TikTok, but Aniston’s honesty is winning the day. Meanwhile, Aniston also shared a key to her daily routine: morning meditation. Whether it’s chickpeas or mantras, Aniston knows how to keep things real.
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