Bollywood’s Nawab Saif Ali Khan’s son Ibrahim Ali Khan and Television’s one of the most loved actresses, Shweta Tiwari’s daughter Palak Tiwari have grabbed eyeballs like never before. Recently, the duo made headlines when they were snapped by the shutterbugs exiting an eatery in Mumbai. Soon after their pictures surfaced on the web, rumours of their alleged love affair made headlines. A few reports also stated that Palak and Ibrahim went on a date night to spend some quality together. Meanwhile, Ibrahim and Palak are yet to confirm or deny these rumours.
While many of you have eagerly been waiting for them to either confirm or deny the same, we are here to answer your million-dollar question, “Are they dating?” According to a report in India Today, Palak and Ibrahim are NOT dating but they decided to catch up to talk regarding work. A source close to the rumoured couple revealed to the entertainment portal, “Ibrahim is working as an AD (assistant director) on the sets of Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. On the other hand, Palak is looking forward to doing more films. Both of them have common friends and decided to catch up to talk regarding work. They are not dating.”
After the success of Hardy Sandhu’s Bijlee Bijlee song, Palak Tiwari has been receiving some great offers that she wants to consider. Palak will soon make her acting debut with Arbaaz Khan and Tanishaa Mukerji starrer Rosie: The Saffron Chapter.
Earlier a source had revealed to Bollywood Life about their viral date night. He stated, “Ibrahim and Palak were seen hopping restaurants together. First, they went to a popular eatery and spent some time there and later they hopped on to another restaurant and then the paparazzi learnt that it was them. Palak and Ibrahim are good friends and they were out just like usual friends go for dinners. However, Palak is a little private person and she never wants her personal life to be out in the media and same goes with Ibrahim.”